Regulation of influencers and online creators: overview in 13 European countries 15 May 24 Jérôme Dheur

Cullen International has just published a new benchmark showing in thirteen selected countries if there are specific legislative/regulatory initiatives to regulate online influencers.  It also shows who is targeted by the initiative(s) (i.e. influencers above some criteria/ thresholds) and gives a brief explanation of the measures foreseen.

Influencers might fall under the scope of several EU pieces of legislation, such as the consumer protection legislation and the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive.

In its conclusions of 14 May 2024, the Council encourages the Commission and the member states to explore ways to support influencers at EU level, including via a coherent policy approach focusing on media literacy and responsible online behaviour. It also invites the Commission and the member states to develop policies to support the development of self-regulatory bodies or mechanisms (including a possible ethical code), and to consider the effects of the increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) by influencers and the implementation of labelling requirements according to the AI Act.

The benchmark shows that four out of the thirteen countries surveyed have specific regulatory/legislative initiatives proposed or in place (France, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain).

In Germany, influencers are already covered by existing laws stemming from the AVMS Directive and guidelines adopted by the Lander authorities.

For more information and access to the benchmark, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Request Access”, in case you are not subscribed to our European Media service.



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