radio spectrum regulation

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    Track and compare mobile spectrum allocation at national level Access to a database on periodic and one-off spectrum fees Stay informed on current rules and limits for exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)
    Keep up to date on forthcoming spectrum awards with summary reports and a detailed database on award results and assignments Keep informed on advances in mobile connectivity, and the implications for radio spectrum and infrastructure deployment policies Track and compare regulation for spectrum trading and sharing, and follow the main agreements
    Compare licence conditions set by different governments Track and compare temporary and permanent spectrum caps Stay briefed on existing and new obligations associated with spectrum rights

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Europe (Data sheet)

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latest intelligence

German court repeals legal basis of 5G auction 2019
28 August 24 Dieter Kronegger

The Administrative Court of Cologne concluded that the German regulator BNetzA gave in to pressure from the ministry to impose stricter coverage obligations. That may have influenced BNetzA’s decision not to oblige mobile network operators to grant access to service providers and MVNOs.

Peru prepares direct grant of additional 5G spectrum
26 August 24 Javier Morales Fhon

The Peruvian government published a legislative decree to establish a special mechanism to directly assign additional spectrum for 5G at the request of interested parties. This mechanism will apply if there is no excess demand. Applicants will be subject to compliance with mandatory investment commitments aimed at closing gaps in access to telecommunications services.

Costa Rica to auction spectrum in multiple bands to foster 5G
20 August 24 Pedro Miranda

The regulator SUTEL will award licences in the 700 MHz, 2.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 26 GHz, and 28 GHz bands. The auction stage of the award will have two phases, with the first offering national licences and the second offering local licences exclusively for entrant operators. Instead of offering financial bids, operators must bid for the number of antennas they commit to deploying in each band in addition to the reserve price.

No winners in Dominican Republic 5G multiband auction
13 August 24 Paola Herrera

Indotel, the Dominican Republic regulator, announced the results of the 5G multiband auction, which closed on 27 May 2024. Only Viva bid for the spectrum, but it did not meet the technical and economic requirements for the auction.

Jamaica to award 2x20 MHz in the 600 MHz band for mobile services
12 July 24 Pedro Miranda

The Jamaican regulator, the Spectrum Management Authority (SMA), will award one national block of 2x20 MHz in the 600 MHz band through a beauty contest. The assignment of the licence will follow the conclusion of the clearing of the band by the current broadcasting user. The reserve price for the block is US$24m for a 15-year licence term with an obligation to cover 95% of the population within 24 months.

Slovenian regulator to repeat the award of 2x3 MHz in the 700 MHz band for machine-to-machine services
03 July 24 Matej Podbevsek

AKOS already awarded this spectrum for the provision of machine-to-machine (M2M) business-critical communications services in February 2021. However, the licensee returned the spectrum in 2023, prompting the regulator to repeat the award.

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