Sustainability regulatory updates you might have missed in October 10 November 23 Bianca Sofian

The European Commission published policy recommendations related to the Waste, Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive to improve the rate of return of used and waste mobile devices. The recommendations included: financial incentives for returning small consumer electronics; making it easier for consumers to calculate the buy-back value; increasing the use of postal and shipping services to return used and waste devices; reuse targets for mobile phones, tablets and laptops; and improving the convenience and visibility of collection points. 

The implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) requires the involvement of the national competent authorities from 1 October 2023 (the start of the transitional period). The Commission published a provisional list of CBAM national competent authorities, which will be updated regularly. 

The Council has formally adopted the revised Renewable Energy Directive, after the formal adoption by Parliament in September. The revised regulation will enter into force on 20 November.

Other updates include:

  • Commission proposal to delay the adoption of sustainability reporting standards for certain sectors and for certain non-EU companies;
  • the entry into force of the revised Energy Efficiency Directive;
  • the adoption of the draft position of Parliament’s IMCO committee on the Right to Repair proposal; and
  • the adoption of the opinion of Parliament’s ENVI committee on the Packaging and Packaging Waste proposal.

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