Are governments around the world in control of online content moderation? 18 September 23 Jose Jehuda Garcia

Freeing the internet from content that is widely perceived as unwanted has become a priority for governments worldwide. This Global Trends report discusses how a more supervised online environment has evolved across borders through the implementation of online content moderation (OCM) regimes.

Generally, these regimes consist of regulations and practices that clarify both the rights and duties of online intermediaries. Approaches vary around the globe, but they usually involve the same stakeholders: network providers; online intermediaries; end users; and the national governments.

Defining online content moderation

What exactly does OCM entail? And what content is to be targeted for moderation? This report addresses both questions and shows how OCM regimes around the world vary, and what they have in common.

Levels of content moderation

The report identifies three specific models of content moderation that vary depending on government goals and applicable law, each involving different stakeholders interacting in different ways. Plus, an emerging new model known as “jawboning” that is being practiced in the US.

Ex ante and ex post approaches

The report also discusses:

  • three different categories of ex ante approaches across several jurisdictions, including where and how self and co-regulation play an important role; and
  • the ex post models, liability and exemptions as applied to different types of content, as well as safe harbours.

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