The last three months have seen significant regulatory developments in Latin America (LATAM), affecting in particular: the making available of radio spectrum; RAN sharing; the regulation of MVNOs; and enhanced end user protection measures.
Colombia announced that the 5G multiband spectrum auction will take place on 20 December 2023. Mexico consulted on a new multiband auction for up to 330 MHz of spectrum to be held in 2023 (the date is yet undecided), and made new spectrum available for commercial wireless applications. Peru awarded Bitel all the spectrum in the AWS-3 and 2.3 GHz beauty contest, and proposed to refarm and auction the 3.5 GHz band for 5G.
Argentina obliged MNOs to grant MVNO access to the triple-play operator, Telecentro. Brazil revised the access conditions for MVNO’s following Oi’s acquisition. Chile set MTRs for short message services for the first time. Peru proposed to regulate RAN sharing (with and without spectrum pooling).
Chile is planning to adopt new rules on stolen devices. A Brazilian court declared unconstitutional NRA Anatel’s rule that required telecoms operators to give all consumers equal access to commercial offers and pricing. Colombia updated its mobile number portability regulations, while also starting to use crowdsourcing to measure mobile quality of service. In Peru, operators must compensate users in case of network outages.
Other news from the region includes Argentina defining minimum fixed broadband speed for its universal service programme, while Brazil offered BRL 1.17bn in loans under the universal service fund (FUST).
Cullen International’s latest Latin America (LATAM) Telecoms Update highlights policy developments over the past three months affecting the regulation of radio spectrum, wholesale networks and consumer protection in six markets in the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
For more information and to access the complete LATAM Telecoms Update, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Request Access”, in case you are not subscribed to our Americas Telecoms service.
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