EU broadband state aid revisited: key cases showing the way – Case 3: Connectivity vouchers to increase the take-up of broadband services 23 November 22 Janne Kalliala

In the EU, the use of state funding for private sector projects is always subject to state aid rules, which aim to ensure that competition is not unduly distorted.

Over four weeks, we are presenting selected case summaries from Cullen International’s new State Aid & Subsidies service, highlighting how the European Commission’s approach to enforcing these state aid rules is evolving together with the EU’s broadband policy objectives.

Our third highlighted case covers the 2019 €50m Greek connectivity voucher scheme to support the take-up of 100 Mbps fixed broadband access services that are readily upgradable to 1 Gbps.

In its approval decision, the Commission for the first time shed light on its approach to demand-side measures that aim to stimulate broadband take-up, which is now being further elaborated in the ongoing review of the Broadband State Aid Guidelines.

At the time, these guidelines and the Commission’s case practice only offered guidance on supply-side measures in support of infrastructure deployments.

For access to the case summary and/or a demo of our case database, please "Request Access" or simply on "Access the full content”, in case you are already subscribed to our State Aid & Subsidies service.


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