Cross-border financial obligations of video-on-demand providers - Situation in 30 European countries 30 June 22 Jerome Dheur

Cullen International has just published an update of its benchmark on cross-border financial obligations of video-on-demand (VOD) service providers in 30 European countries.

The revised Audiovisual Media Service (AVMS) Directive, which needed to be transposed by the member states by 19 September 2020, allows member states to require financial contributions from non-national audiovisual media services (direct investments into content creation or contributions to national funds to sustain audiovisual production) provided certain conditions are met.

The analysis shows that obligations are already in place in 10 countries (Belgium (VL & WA), Croatia, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland) while six other countries will probably introduce obligations as a result of the transposition.

Thirteen countries have not introduced rules, or have indicated either publicly or to Cullen International that there is no intention to introduce rules. 

For one remaining country, no rules have been introduced in national legislation, but the situation could evolve.

To access the full benchmark, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Request Access”, in case you are not subscribed to our European Media service.


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