Latest consumer protection research on contract regulation in Europe 20 May 22 Teresa Felix

Cullen International updated its benchmark on the regulation of contracts between end users and providers of electronic communications services in Europe. The benchmark provides details of the rules applying during and after the commitment period of fixed-term contracts.

Commitment periods mandated by service providers and penalties for early contract termination often act as a disincentive to switching. Our benchmark shows that, in 11 out of the 13 countries studied, the maximum fixed term allowed is 24 months. However, only seven countries impose limits on the compensation due by end users for contract termination before the end of the commitment period.

In most countries studied, service providers are required to inform end users in a timely manner about the end of their commitment period, how to terminate the contract if they wish or which tariff would be best for their needs should they wish to continue subscribing.

In all countries studied, a 30-day notice period is mandated for providers to inform end users of any change in the contractual conditions, as well as their right to terminate the contract without incurring any costs.

For more information and to access the full benchlmark, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Request Access”, in case you are not subscribed to our Consumer Protection in Telecoms service


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