Postal operators contribute to NRAs’ costs but at very different levels 14 April 21 Peter Dunn

Cullen International’s new benchmark on the structure and financing of postal regulators (NRAs) in Europe shows that the contributions made by postal operators to NRA financing vary considerably between countries. In eight of the studied countries, such contributions are the sole means of NRA financing, while the Austrian and Dutch NRAs are financed jointly by operators and the state. In four countries, NRAs are financed solely by the state.

The new benchmark, which provides information about the operational structures and financing mechanisms of postal NRAs also reveals that, in all of the studied countries, the postal NRA is also responsible for regulating the telecoms sector. In addition, many NRAs cover other different sectors, including spectrum and broadcasting.

For more information on our benchmark, please click on “Request Access”, or on “Access the full content” in case you are a subscriber of our European Postal service.


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