How to advertise broadband speeds? 29 August 23 Laurence Nivot

Telecoms regulators around Europe take different approaches to ensure that customers understand what speed their broadband network is delivering.

The EU regulatory framework includes different provisions to ensure that end users are fully informed about the speed of their internet access services.

Cullen International’s Consumer Protection benchmark shows that, while most of the 14 European countries studied adopted rules to ensure transparency of broadband speeds advertisements, their approaches vary.

France, Ireland, Italy and the UK have specific rules when it comes to using the term "fibre" in commercial communications. 

In Germany and Spain, authorities report on the percentage of the advertised speed that is actually obtained in the country.

Finally, while end users in most countries have access to certified speed measurement tools, which allow end users to measure the speed of their broadband service, these are not available in four countries.

The actual broadband speed obtained by users of fixed and mobile networks are subject to many variables and can end up being different from the speed advertised.

According to the assembly of European regulators (BEREC), the advertised speed should also reflect the speed which the provider is realistically able to deliver.

For more information and access to the benchmark, please click on “Access the full content” - or on “Request Access”, in case you are not subscribed to our European Consumer Protection (Telecoms) service.


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