Latest infographic on EU NRAs’ approach towards zero rating 21 June 17

How are EU NRAs dealing with zero rating offers?

Cullen International published an updated infographic on zero rating, now including recent developments in the Netherlands and the decision of AGCOM in Italy.

This infographic provides an overview of the positions taken by some National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) towards mobile operators' zero rating offers.

Zero rating is a commercial practice where internet service providers do not count the data volume consumed for accessing particular content, applications or services against the user’s limited monthly data volume.

Zero rating practices can bring end-user benefits (e.g. providing free access to the zero-rated app) but may also raise concerns (e.g. unfair competition for other apps which are not zero-rated).

At EU level, the Telecoms Single Market Regulation does not explicitly prohibit zero rating but the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has provided criteria to assess zero rating offers.

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