The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: what's next? 22 June 23 | ONLINE

Join us on 22 June for a free online briefing on the regulatory developments around the EU Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA). Together with Dan Nechita, Head of Cabinet for Dragoş Tudorache, the European Parliament co-rapporteur for the proposed AIA, we will discuss the core aspects of the proposed regulation which has just moved to inter-institutional negotiations.

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In April 2021, the European Commission presented its long-awaited proposal to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe. The proposal was accompanied by a new coordinated plan for the Commission and the 27 EU member states to increase the uptake of AI.

The proposed AIA follows a risk-based approach: the higher the risk, the tighter the restrictions. At the heart of this approach are high-risk AI systems, i.e. AI systems which create an adverse impact on people's safety or their fundamental rights. The proposed regulation would subject high-risk AI systems to mandatory requirements, an ex-ante conformity assessment and post-market monitoring.

In addition, the new AI rulebook would:

  • ban certain AI systems which present an “unacceptable risk” (such as AI systems which use subliminal techniques to distort a person’s behaviour);
  • lay down harmonised transparency rules for AI systems intended to interact with natural persons (such as emotion recognition systems);
  • set rules on post market monitoring and measures for non-compliance, where failure to comply with the AIA could result in significant administrative fines of up to €30m or 6% of a company's annual worldwide turnover; and
  • put in place governance systems at a national and an EU level (through a new European Artificial Intelligence Board).

Now, two years after the proposal was published, the EU co-legislators have launched negotiations to reach an agreement on the final text. The Council already adopted its position in December 2022, while the European Parliament (EP) adopted its position on the AIA on 14 June 2023.

Cullen International has invited Dan Nechita to present and discuss the latest developments, focusing on the critical aspects, based on the EP’s final position. Mr Nechita is the Head of Cabinet for Dragoş Tudorache (Renew, Romania), the EP member who is the co-rapporteur for the proposed AI regulation.

When: Thursday, 22 June 2023 (14:30 - 16:00 CEST/GMT +2) - Check your time zone

Where: Online, using GoToWebinar - Check your system

No recording will be shared after the event.

fee & registrations Standard fee: This event is free Fee per delegate (VAT included)

Post-event impressions


Dan Nechita Head of Cabinet for Dragoş Tudorache (Renew, Romania)
Elisar Bashir Senior Analyst
Dries Indesteege Head of Telecoms Europe

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