WACC for legacy telecoms infrastructures 21 October 20 | ONLINE

Register for this online seminar during which the Commission WACC Notice and the BEREC report will be presented by some of their co-authors! The seminar will be followed by a discussion with experts and industry representatives.

This event has passed

The European Commission has observed significant discrepancies in NRA's estimates of the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) as part of their market analysis notifications.

Moreover, in addition to there being a lack of consistency across Member States, some NRAs are using different methods at different points in time.

The lack of harmonisation and such methodological inconsistencies are likely to distort investment incentives and could hinder investment in electronic communications networks.

These observations led the Commission to adopt a Notice on WACC for legacy infrastructures in November 2019. The objective is to increase the consistency of WACC calcultations across the European Union.

Furthemore, the Commission invited BEREC to estimate the WACC parameters consistent with the approach described in the Notice. BEREC agreed to estimate the parameter values and publish them annually. The first BEREC report was issued in June 2020.

The Commission WACC Notice and the BEREC report will be presented by some of their co-authors during this online seminar and will be followed by a discussion with experts and industry representatives.

Timing: event starts at 3PM and ends at 5PM (CEST - Check your time zone) on Wednesday 21 October 2020.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Silas Nørbjerg - European Commission, DG Connect - Unit B.3 Markets - Presentation
  • Annegret Groebel - BnetzA & co-chair on BEREC working group on WACC - Presentation
  • Dan Harris - The Brattle Group, co-author of 2016 study on WACC for DG Connect
  • Daniel Kapp - European Central Bank (ECB), DG Monetary Policy, Capital Markets
  • Tiziana Talevi - Fastweb, Regulatory Affairs Director
  • Fadhel Lakhoua - Orange, Director EU & Economics, Regulatory Affairs - Presentation


The recording of this event is now available here.

fee & registrations Standard fee: This event is free Fee per delegate (VAT included)

contact information

For more information about this event, please contact:

Philippe Defraigne phd@cullen-international.com

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